Castle between Ingolstadt and Regensburg

93339 Obereggersberg, Obereggersberg 18, Bayern, Duitsland

  1. Kasteel
  2. 50.000 m² Kavelgrootte
  3. 1.500 m² Woonoppervlakte
  4. 20 Kamers
  5. Bouwjaar 1604
  6. Monumentenzorg

Obereggersberg is an idyllic village near Regensburg in Bavaria, Germany. It is picturesquely nestled in gentle hills and wooded landscapes typical of the region. The location is characterized by a peaceful and natural environment, ideal for relaxation and recreation.


Schloss Obereggersberg itself majestically crowns a hill overlooking the village, giving it a dominant and picturesque position. From here, there is a breathtaking view over the surrounding valley and the natural landscape. This location makes the castle an outstanding historical and cultural center of the region.


The proximity to Regensburg, a city rich in history and culture, is another feature of this location. Regensburg, known as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is just a short drive away and offers not only cultural attractions but also a wide range of shopping, dining, and leisure activities.


Overall, the choice of Obereggersberg for an exposé about the castle is particularly appealing due to its picturesque location and proximity to significant cultural centers like Regensburg.



  • New Eggersberg Castle: Three-story steep roof building with stepped gables, three polygonal corner towers with onion domes, two-story dormer facing west, early 17th century.
  • Castle Chapel of the Holy Cross: Rectangular room with wooden beam ceiling, 1807; with furnishings.
  • Castle Economy Building: Longitudinal tract with limestone slab roof, adjacent to the west of the castle, probably 18th century.
  • Barn: Single-story steep roof building, rubble stone and brick masonry, 17th century, one-and-a-half-story extension to the north.
  • Rubble Stone Wall: Plastered, pilaster-framed courtyard gate with segmental arch passage and side entrance, 17th/18th century.


Building Regulations:

The construction measures and planned uses or changes of use must be coordinated with the relevant authorities. The measures mentioned in the exposé are merely suggestions/ideas. Permits for these measures have not yet been obtained. The necessary building permits must still be secured. Applications need to be submitted, and permits obtained. The buildability is determined by the Building Code (BauGB) and other regulations. Denkmalschutz Immobilien GmbH assumes no liability for this.

The dimensions provided in this exposé are approximate "ca." measurements without a "scale." This applies to all mentioned dimensions in the exposé, plans, floor plans, site plans, cadastral extracts, etc.


Save Taxes:

One of the last tax havens remains the increased tax depreciation for listed buildings. For rented properties according to §§ 7i, 7h EStG and for owner-occupied buildings according to § 10f EStG. The property is also suitable as a secure investment, providing inflation protection and significant value appreciation. Depending on the amount of personal renovation costs and tax rate, substantial tax savings can be achieved. Consult your tax advisor!


Preliminary Investigation/Renovation:

After the purchase, a so-called "preliminary investigation" can be carried out. This investigation is usually conducted "after" the sale of a property because the Bavarian State Office for Monument Protection (BLfD) lacks sufficient funds to examine all properties without cause. The investigation involves: surveying (plans), structural engineer (damage mapping/structural assessment), building research, and architect (usage concept). This is subsidized (refer to "Subsidies/Grants").


During this preliminary investigation, a usage concept for the property is developed together with the new owners. Along with the desired use, the costs for the renovation are also determined. This concept takes into account the investigation results, costs, and desired usage concept – these are then coordinated. The financial framework for implementation is set by you as the owner.

This ensures that before the start of renovations, there is a concept that considers the needs and necessary financial resources of the new owners and the property. This creates planning, execution, and financing security. This preliminary investigation is also a necessary basis for applying for subsidies.



Upon request, we create a usage concept and apply for the necessary subsidies and grants for the renovation for you. After purchase, we can assist you in implementing the renovation measures according to monument protection guidelines. Detailed information can be found on our website.


The extent of the renovation is determined by the owner and the necessity of the building condition, as well as the planned use in coordination with the BLfD and the relevant authorities. This, however, is only within the financial and personal capabilities of the owner.


The BLfD provides advisory and supportive assistance during the implementation. The BLfD can also support the owner with funding in case of financial difficulties. Financial support is possible for the preliminary investigation and renovation as well as later for urgently needed maintenance measures and repairs.


Additional funding sources, such as the municipality, district, county, responsible government, Bavarian State Foundation, etc., are also available for this purpose.


Own contributions are always possible and recognized by the BLfD. These must be coordinated with the BLfD and executed appropriately. For the so-called proof of use, the BLfD recognizes 13 €/hour (gross) for own contributions and 15.50 €/hour (gross) for skilled labor contributions. Time and activity records must be kept.


Volledig ontwikkeld
Eigenschappen van het terrein
Extra bijgebouwen
EUR 3.900.000
Basis voor onderhandeling
Prijs per m²EUR 2.600
Wettelijke bepalingen

Die Denkmalschutz Immobilie
91792 Ellingen, Bayern
Karlshof 1, Duitsland
Sandra Weckmar
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