Fixer upper 52-hectare country estate in Manduria, Apulia

Manduria, Puglia, Italia

  1. Herregård
  2. 522.645 m² Tomteareal
  3. 2 Etasjer
  4. Byggeår 1600

Characteristic Apulian property in a secluded location in the heart of the Mediterranean. This ensemble of buildings, dating from the 16th to the 18th century, is known as a Masseria, which refers to large manorial country estates in Apulia. They were widespread and represent the cultural heritage of the Mediterranean region.


Although the buildings have been abandoned for years, the structural arrangement of the investment property offered here has been fully preserved, illustrating its former use. The upper floors of the main house were reserved for the landlord's family, while the workers and their families lived on the ground floor and in the outbuildings. Surrounding the courtyard, which formed the center of daily life in a Masseria, are additional agricultural and stable buildings. Most Masserias also had a small church or chapel, which served as the spiritual heart of the community.


The well-preserved historic structure, combined with its secluded location and a total land area of 52 hectares of farmland and forest, provides a very good basis for investment.

We are happy to advise foreign buyers on usage and financing options and, if necessary, accompany them through the entire process from planning to implementation.



Manduria is a vibrant rural metropolis and the capital of Primitivo wine. The city has experienced tremendous development over the past decade. Its lively old town, consisting exclusively of limestone buildings, offers a nightlife that can easily compete with larger cities in Apulia. Manduria is strategically located on the Ionian coast and has recently attracted international investors for the development of a new resort and golf course. The region offers unique landscapes, with white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters providing relief on hot summer days.

NOK 18.242.400
EUR 1.600.000

Oikos Immobiliare
72024 Oria
Via Latiano 7, Italia
Administrerende direktør
Diego Moretto
Fasttelefonnummer: +39 083 184 5686
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Diego Moretto
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